Module 02: Returned Parole Violator/Conditional Release Violators with No New Term

First Name (replace)
Last Name (replace)
NYS ID# * (replace)
DIN # (optional)
Date RPV Returned or Restored*
Date Declared Delinquent* (see Note)
Prior Release Date*
Prior Maximum Expiration Date*

Note: This calculation will be good for the majority of cases where the 'Commission Date' of the new crime can be used as the Delinquency Date. However, you should check with PRDU to see if any violations have occurred between the 'Commission Date' of the 'New Felony' and the 'Sentence Date' of that felony. In those cases DOCCS may use the 'Sentence Date' of the 'New Felony' as the Delinquency Date. Also, DOCCS may use a different 'Delinquency Date' if the prior determinate sentence expires before the client is sentenced on the new felony.

Jail Time

Enter client's pre-sentence jail time periods spent at Rikers Island
and/or other local jails.

DO NOT include Today's Date or the Sentence Date as a jail time day.

Make sure you give client credit for the (1) arrest date and (2) arraignment date.

From* To*
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Use the field below to enter the total pre-sentence jail time days,
if you know it, instead of entering jail time periods above.
