Two Concurrent Definite Sentences

First Name (replace)
Last Name (replace)
NYS ID# * (replace)
B&C# (optional)
'Nunc Pro Tunc' Date
Reason for using 'Nunc Pro Tunc'
Docket/Indictment Number
First Sentence Date*
First Sentenced To*
Docket/Indictment Number
Second Sentence Date*
Second Sentenced To*
Loss of Good Time
(# days to reduce 'Good Time Credit')

Jail Time

Enter client's pre-sentence jail time periods spent at Rikers Island
and/or other local jails.


DO NOT include Today's Date or the First Sentence Date as a jail time day.

Make sure you give client credit for the (1) arrest date and (2) arraignment date.

 From*   To* 
 From*   To* 
 From*   To* 
 From*   To* 
 From*   To* 
 From*   To* 
 From*   To* 
 From*   To* 
 From*   To* 
 From*   To* 

Additional Jail Time

Use the fields below to add and categorize total pre-sentence jail time days rather than, or in addition to, entering jail time periods above.
OMH Jail Time
Federal Jail Time
Out-Of-State Jail Time
Other Jail Time


Enter additional text for inclusion in the printable report.